॥ अथ ध्यानम् ॥
ध्यायेदाजानुबाहुं धृतशरधनुषं बद्दद्पद्मासनस्थं ।
पीतं वासोवसानं नवकमलदलस्पर्धिनेत्रं प्रसन्नम् ॥
वामाङ्कारूढसीता मुखकमलमिलल्लोचनं नीरदाभं ।
नानालङ्कारदीप्तं दधतमुरुजटामण्डनं रामचंद्रम् ॥
॥ इति ध्यानम् ॥
|| Aththa Dhyanam ||Dhyaye daajaanu baahum dhruta shara danusham badra padma sanastham |
Peetham vaaso vasaanam navakamala dala spardhi netram prasannam ||
Vaaman-karuDa Sita muka kamala mila lochanam neera daabam |
Naanaa lankaara deeptham dadha tamuru jataa mandanam Ramachandram |||| Iththi Dhyanam ||
Meaning:I meditate on Bhagavan Shri Ramachandra who has long arms reaching his knees, who is holding a bow [Sharnga] and arrows, who is seated in a lotus pose, who is wearing yellow clothes, whose eyes compete with petals of a fresh lotus, who looks contented, Whose sight is fixed on the lotus face of Sita, sitting on his left thigh, whose color is like that of rain cloud, Who shines in various ornaments and has matted hair which can reach till thighs.
चरितं रघुनाथस्य शतकोटिप्रविस्तरम् ।
एकैकमक्षरं पुंसां महापातकनाशनम् ॥१॥
Charitham Raghunaathasya shatha koti pravistaram |
Ekaika maksharam pumsaam maha paataka naashanam ||1||
Meaning : The life story of Sri Rama is spread accross billions of verses. Recitation of each and every word [of his life story] is capable of destroying even the greatest sins. ॥1॥
ध्यात्वा नीलोत्पलश्यामं रामं राजीवलोचनम् ।
जानकीलक्ष्मणॊपेतं जटामुकुटमण्डितम् ॥२॥
Dhyatva neelotpala Shyamam Ramam raajiva lochanam |
Jaanaki Lakshmano pethaam jata mukuta manditham ||2||
Meaning : Let us meditate on the blue lotus-eyed, dark-complexioned Sri Rama, Who is accompanied with Sita and Lakshmana and is well-adorned with crown of matted hairs. ॥2॥
सासितूणधनुर्बाणपाणिं नक्तं चरान्तकम् ।
स्वलीलया जगत्त्रातुमाविर्भूतमजं विभुम् ॥३॥
SaasitUna dhanurbaana paanim naktham charaantakam |
Svaleelaya jagatraatu maavirbhUta majam vibhum ||3||
Meaning:(Let us meditate Sri Rama) Who has a sword in a receptacle, and bows and arrows, who destroyed the demons, Who is birthless (beyond birth and death) but is incarnated by his own will to protect this world. ॥3॥
रामरक्षां पठॆत्प्राज्ञ: पापघ्नीं सर्वकामदाम् ।
शिरो मे राघव: पातु भालं दशरथात्मज: ॥४॥
Ramaraksham patetpradnya-ha paapagneem sarvakaamadham |
Shiro me Raghava-h paatu bhaalam dasharathaatmaja-ha ||4||
Meaning:May the wise read the Hymn of Lord Sri Rama, which destroys all sins and grants all desires. (Here Begins the listing details of the body to be protected) May Shri Rama who is Raghu’s descendant protect my head. May Rama, Dasharatha’s son (Rama) protect my forehead. ॥4॥
कौसल्येयो दृशौ पातु विश्वामित्रप्रिय: श्रुती ।
घ्राणं पातु मखत्राता मुखं सौमित्रिवत्सल: ॥५॥
Kausalyeyo drushau paathu Vishwamitra priya-h shrutee |
Ghraanam paathu makhatraathaa mukham Saumitri vatsala-ha ||5||
Meaning:May Kausalya’s son protect my eyes, may favorite (disciple) of Vishvamitra protect my ears, may savior of Yajnas (sacrificial fire) protect my nose, may affectionate to Lakshmana protect my mouth. ॥5॥
जिव्हां विद्दानिधि: पातु कण्ठं भरतवंदित: ।
स्कन्धौ दिव्यायुध: पातु भुजौ भग्नेशकार्मुक: ॥६॥
Jivhaam vidya nidhi-h paathu kanTam Bharata vandita-ha |
Skandhau divya yudha-h paathu bhujhau bhagnesha kaarmuka-h ||6||
Meaning :May ocean of wisdom (Sri Rama) protect my toungue, may Rama who is saluted by Bharatha protect my neck, may Sri Rama, the berear of celestial weapons protect my shoulders, may Rama who broke (Lord Shiva’s) bow protect my arms ॥6॥
करौ सीतपति: पातु हृदयं जामदग्न्यजित् ।
मध्यं पातु खरध्वंसी नाभिं जाम्बवदाश्रय: ॥७॥
Karau Sitapati-h paatu hrudayam Jaamadagnyajit |
Madhyam paathu khara dhwamsee naabhim Jaambhavadaashraya ||7||
Meaning :May the husband of Sita protect my hands, may Sri Rama the conqueror of Parasurama protect my heart, may slayer of Khara (demon) protect my abdomen, may he who gave refuge to Jambavan protect my navel. ॥7॥
सुग्रीवेश: कटी पातु सक्थिनी हनुमत्प्रभु: ।
ऊरू रघुत्तम: पातु रक्ष:कुलविनाशकृत् ॥८॥
Sugreevasha katee paathu sakthinee Hanumath-prabhu-h |
Uruu Raghuththama-h paathu raksha-h kula vinaasha-kruth ||8||
Meaning :May master of Sugreeva protect my waist, may god of Hanuman protect my hips, may the best of Raghus (Rama) and the destroyer of the lineage of demons protect my thighs. ॥8॥
जानुनी सेतुकृत्पातु जङ्घे दशमुखान्तक: ।
पादौ बिभीषणश्रीद: पातु रामोSखिलं वपु: ॥९॥
Jaanunee sethukruth-paathu jadgne dasha-mukhaanthaka-ha |
Paadhau BibheeshaNa-shreeda-h paathu Raamo-n-khilam vapu-h ||9||
Meaning :May Sri Ram who built the bridge (over ocean) protect my knees, may who killed the ten-faced one (Ravana) protect my shins, may consecrator of wealth to Bibhishana protect my feet, may Sri Rama protect my entire body. ॥9॥
एतां रामबलोपेतां रक्षां य: सुकृती पठॆत् ।
स चिरायु: सुखी पुत्री विजयी विनयी भवेत् ॥१०॥
Yethaam Rama-balO-pethaam rakshaam ya-h sukruthee paTet |
Sa chiraayu-h sukhee putree vijayi vinayi bhavet ||10||
Meaning :May the good man who readeth this hymn (stotra) which has all the power of Sri Rama, be blessed with long life, happiness, children, victory (success) and humility. ॥10॥
पातालभूतलव्योम चारिणश्छद्मचारिण: ।
न द्र्ष्टुमपि शक्तास्ते रक्षितं रामनामभि: ॥११॥
Paataala bhutalavyoma chaariNashchadh-ma chaarina-ha |
Na drushtumapi shaktaaste rakshitam Rama naamabhi-hi ||11||
Meaning :Those who wanders below the earth (netherworld) or on the earth or above the earth (sky), or those who wander surreptitiously changing their forms would not be even able to see the one who is protected by the name of Rama. Let alone bring any harm to him. ॥11॥
रामेति रामभद्रेति रामचंद्रेति वा स्मरन् ।
नरो न लिप्यते पापै भुक्तिं मुक्तिं च विन्दति ॥१२॥
Rameti Ramabhadrethi Ramachandrethi vaa smarana |
Naro na lipyate paapai bhukthim mukthim cha vindathi ||12||
Meaning :(The one who) sings or remembers Rama, Rambhadra and Ramachandra (the names of Bhagavan Sri Rama), sins never get attached to him, he gets all enjoyments (throughout the life) and liberation (in the end). ॥12॥
जगज्जेत्रैकमन्त्रेण रामनाम्नाभिरक्षितम् ।
य: कण्ठे धारयेत्तस्य करस्था: सर्वसिद्द्दय: ॥१३॥
Jagajjetraika-mantreNa Ramanam-naabhi-rakshitam |
Ya-h kaNTe dhaarayethtasya karasthhA-h sarvasidhdhaya-h ||13||
Meaning :In all three worlds, one who wears the hymn of the name of Rama which has conquered the world as a protection round his neck, would get all the powers on his hand. ॥13॥
वज्रपंजरनामेदं यो रामकवचं स्मरेत् ।
अव्याहताज्ञ: सर्वत्र लभते जयमंगलम् ॥१४॥
Vajra-panjaranaamedam yo Raamakavacham smaret |
Avyaahataagnya-h sarvatra labhate jayamangalam ||14||
Meaning :He who recites or remembers this armour (shield) called ‘Vajrapanjara’ will be unscathed and will be victorious (successful) everywhere .॥14॥
आदिष्टवान् यथा स्वप्ने रामरक्षामिमां हर: ।
तथा लिखितवान् प्रात: प्रबुद्धो बुधकौशिक: ॥१५॥
Adishtavaan yathaa swapne Ramarakshaamimaam hara-h |
Tatha likhitavaana praata-h prabhudhdho budhakaushika-h ||15||
Meaning :This protective hymn of Sri Rama was told by Shiva (Lord of destruction) in the dream, and was written down as it is by Vedic sage Budha koushika the very next morning. ॥15॥
आराम: कल्पवृक्षाणां विराम: सकलापदाम् ।
अभिरामस्त्रिलोकानां राम: श्रीमान् स न: प्रभु: ॥१६॥
Aaraama-h kalpavrukshaaNaam viraama-h sakalapadaam |
Abhiraamstrilokaanaam Rama-h shreemaan sa na-h prabhu-h ||16||
Meaning:Who is like a wish Yielding tree and who removes all obstacles, and who is the praise of all three worlds, SriRama, is our ‘Lord’ indeed. ॥16॥
तरुणौ रूपसंपन्नौ सुकुमारौ महाबलौ ।
पुण्डरीकविशालाक्षौ चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरौ ॥१७॥
Tarunnau roopasampannau sukumaarau mahabalau |
Pundareeka-vishaalakshau cheera krushNaa jinaambarau ||17||
Meaning:May the two brothers (Sri Rama and Lakshmana) who are young, full of beauty, and very strong, who have broad eyes like lotus, who wear the hides of trees, (continued..)॥17॥
फलमूलशिनौ दान्तौ तापसौ ब्रह्मचारिणौ ।
पुत्रौ दशरथस्यैतौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ ॥१८॥
Phalamoolashinau daantau taapasau brahmachaariNau |
Putrau dasharathasyaythau bhratarau RamalakshmaNau ||18||
Meaning:Two sons of Dasharath, the two brothers (Shri Ram and Lakshman) who are subsisting on roots and fruits, and practicing penance and celibacy, (continued ..)॥18॥
शरण्यौ सर्वसत्वानां श्रेष्ठौ सर्वधनुष्मताम् ।
रक्ष:कुलनिहन्तारौ त्रायेतां नो रघुत्तमौ ॥१९॥
Sharanyau sarvasatvaanaam shreshTau sarvadhanushmatham |
Raksha-h-kulanihantaarau traayetaam no raghuththamau ||19||
Meaning: who give protection to all beings and who are foremost among all the archers, who destroy whole race of demons, (may they) protect us, O’ best of scions of Raghu (Sri Rama and Lakshmana)!॥19॥
आत्तसज्जधनुषा विषुस्पृशा वक्षया शुगनिषङ्ग सङिगनौ ।
रक्षणाय मम रामलक्ष्मणा वग्रत: पथि सदैव गच्छताम् ॥२०॥
Aaththasajhjha-dhanushaa vishusprushaa shuganishandga sandginau |
RakshaNaaya mama RaamalakshmaNaa vagratha-h pathi sadaiva gachchathaam ||20||
Meaning:Who bows pulled and ready, their hands on the arrows packed in ever full quivers carried on their backs, May Sri Rama and Lakshmana always escort me in my path, for my protection. ॥20॥
संनद्ध: कवची खड्गी चापबाणधरो युवा ।
गच्छन्मनोरथोSस्माकं राम: पातु सलक्ष्मण: ॥२१॥
Sannaddha-h kavachee khaDgee chaapabaaNadharo yuvaa |
gachchana-manoratho-smaakam Raama-h paathu sa-lakshmana-h ||21||
Meaning:Ever prepared and armed with sword, shield, bow and arrows and followed by Lakshmana, Shri Rama is like our cherished thoughts come to life. May he, along with Lakshman, both ever youthful, protect us. ॥21॥
रामो दाशरथि: शूरो लक्ष्मणानुचरो बली ।
काकुत्स्थ: पुरुष: पूर्ण: कौसल्येयो रघुत्तम: ॥२२॥
Raamo Daasharathi-h shooro LakshmaNaa-nucharo balee |
Kaakutstha-h purusha-h poorna-h Kausalyeyo raghuththamma-h ||22||
Meaning:Shri Rama, the son of Dasaratha, ever accompanied by Lakshmana, the scion of Raghus, the son of Kaushalya, is all powerful and is the perfect man. ॥22॥
वेदान्तवेद्यो यज्ञेश: पुराणपुरुषोत्तम: ।
जानकीवल्लभ: श्रीमानप्रमेय पराक्रम: ॥२३॥
Vedantavedhyo yagnesha-h puraaNapurushoththama-h |
Janakeevallabha-h Shrimaan-naprameya parakrama-h ||23||
Meaning:Shri Ram, who is perceived through Vedanta, who is lord of sacrificial fire (Yajnas), who is ancient, and the best among all men, who is the beloved of Janaki (Sita), and whose bravery is immeasurable. ॥23॥
इत्येतानि जपेन्नित्यं मद्भक्त: श्रद्धयान्वित: ।
अश्वमेधायुतं पुण्यं संप्राप्नोति न संशय: ॥२४॥
Ityetaani japennityam madbhakta-ha shraddhayaanvita-h |
Ashwamedhaayutam punyam sampraaprOti na samshaya-ha ||24||
Meaning:(Thus lord Shiva said) My devotee who recites these names of Rama with faith, He, without any doubt, will get religious merits more than the performance of Yajnas like Aswamedha, etc. ॥24॥
रामं दूर्वादलश्यामं पद्माक्षं पीतवाससम् ।
स्तुवन्ति नामभिर्दिव्यैर्न ते संसारिणो नर: ॥२५॥
Raamam duurvaadalashyamam padmaaksham peetavaasasam |
Stuvanti naamabhirdhirvyairna te samsaarinO nara-h ||25||
Meaning:Those who sing the praise of Sri Ram who is dark-complexioned like leaf of green grass, who is lotus-eyed and dressed in yellow clothes , through this hymn are no longer ordinary men trapped in the world (they are liberated). ॥25॥
रामं लक्शमण पूर्वजं रघुवरं सीतापतिं सुंदरम् ।
काकुत्स्थं करुणार्णवं गुणनिधिं विप्रप्रियं धार्मिकम्
राजेन्द्रं सत्यसंधं दशरथनयं श्यामलं शान्तमूर्तिम् ।
वन्दे लोकभिरामं रघुकुलतिलकं राघवं रावणारिम् ॥२६॥
Raamam LakshmaNa puurvajam Raghuvaram Seetapatim sundaram |
KaakutasTham karuNaarNavam guNanidhim viprapriyam dhaarmikam
Raajendram satyasamdham Dasharathanayam shyamalam shaantamuurthim |
Vande lokabhiraamam Raghukulatilakam Raaghavam RaavaNaarim ||26||
Meaning:I salute that Sri Rama who is handome, the elder brother of Lakshmana, the best of the scions of the Raghu-race, the husbandof Sita, the ocean of compassion, the treasure of virtues, the most beloved of the religious people, and protector of dharma, Him who is the Lord emperor of kings, embodiment of truth, the son of Dasharath, dark-complexioned, and the personification of peace and tranquillity, Him who is the enemy of Ravana, the crown jewel of Raghu dynasty, and the cynosure of eyes of all the people. ॥26॥
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचंद्राय वेधसे ।
रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीताया: पतये नम: ॥२७॥
Raamaya Raamabhadraaya Raamachandraaya vedhase |
Raghunaathaaya naathaaya Seethaayaa-h pathaye namah ||27||
Meaning:I salute Rama, (my) beloved Rama, and moon like peaceful Rama, I salute Lord of Raghus, Lord of all the worlds, and the husband of Sita. ॥27॥
श्रीराम राम रघुनन्दन राम राम ।
श्रीराम राम भरताग्रज राम राम ।
श्रीराम राम रणकर्कश राम राम ।
श्रीराम राम शरणं भव राम राम ॥२८॥
Shreeraam Raam Raghunandana Raam Raam |
Shreeraam Raam Bharathaagraja Raam Raam |
Shreeraam Raam RaNakarkasha Raam Raam |
Shreeraam Raam SharaNaM bhava Raam Raam ||28||
Meaning:I take refuge of Sri Ram who is the delight of the Raghus,
Shri Rama who is elder brother of Bharata,
Shri Rama who is tormentor of his enemies in the war.
I come under refuge of God Rama. ॥28॥
श्रीरामचन्द्रचरणौ मनसा स्मरामि ।
श्रीरामचन्द्रचरणौ वचसा गृणामि ।
श्रीरामचन्द्रचरणौ शिरसा नमामि ।
श्रीरामचन्द्रचरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥२९॥
ShreeraamachandracharaNau manasaa smaraami |
ShreeraamachandracharaNau vachasaa gruNaami |
ShreeraamachandracharaNau shirasaa namaami |
ShreeraamachandracharaNau sharaNam pradhye ||29||
Meaning:I remember the feet of Sri Ramachandra in my mind.
I praise the feet of Sri Ramachandra by my speech.
I salut the feet of Sri Ramachandra by bowing down my head.
I take refuge on the feet of Sri Ramachandra by bowing myself down ॥29॥
माता रामो मत्पिता रामचंन्द्र: ।
स्वामी रामो मत्सखा रामचंद्र: ।
सर्वस्वं मे रामचन्द्रो दयालु ।
नान्यं जाने नैव जाने न जाने ॥३०॥
Maataa Raamo matpithaa Ramachandra-ha |
Swamee Raamo matsakhaa Ramachandra-ha |
Sarvaswam me RamachandrO dayaalu |
Naanyam jaane naiva jaane na jaane ||30||
Meaning :My mother is Shri Rama, My father is Shri Rama,
My Swami (lord, master, husband) is Shri Rama, My dearest friend is Ramachandra.
Indeed the kind-hearted Shri Rama is all I have!
I know none else, I know of no other like him, I really don’t! ॥30॥
दक्षिणे लक्ष्मणो यस्य वामे तु जनकात्मजा ।
पुरतो मारुतिर्यस्य तं वन्दे रघुनंदनम् ॥३१॥
DakshiNe LakshmaNO yasya vaame tu Janakaatmajaa |
Puratho Maarutiryasya tam vande Raghunandanam ||31||
Meaning:I salute that Rama the delight of the Raghus, who has Lakshmana on his right and the daughter of Janaka (Sita) on the left, and who has Hanuman in his front. ॥31॥
लोकाभिरामं रनरङ्गधीरं राजीवनेत्रं रघुवंशनाथम् ।
कारुण्यरूपं करुणाकरंतं श्रीरामचंद्रं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥३२॥
Lokabhiraamam ranarangadheeram raajeevanetram Raghuvamshanaatham |
KaaruNyaroopam karuNaakaramtam Shreeraamachandram sharaNam prapadhye ||32||
Meaning:I surrender to (that) Lord Sri Rama who is the delight of all the worlds, most courageous in war, lotus-eyed, lord of the Raghu-race and the Personification of compassion. ॥32॥
मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम् ।
वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥३३॥
Manojavam Maarutatulyavegam jitendriyam varishTam |
Vaataatmajam vaanarayuuthamukhyam Shreeraamadootam sharaNam prapadhye ||33||
Meaning:I take refuge in the lord Hanuman who is as fast as the mind, equals his father the wind-God in speed, is the master of the senses, the foremost amongst the learned, the leader of the monkey forces, and the great messenger of Shri Rama. ॥33॥
कूजन्तं रामरामेति मधुरं मधुराक्षरम् ।
आरुह्य कविताशाखां वन्दे वाल्मीकिकोकिलम् ॥३४॥
Koojantham Raamaraameti madhuram madhuraaksharam |
Aaruhya kavithashaakhaam vande Valmiikikokilam ||34||
Meaning:I salute the great Sage Valmiki who sings the sweet name of Rama, sweet letters of Rama Naam (in form of Ramayana) as sweetly as a cuckoo will sing sitting atop a tree. ॥34॥
आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसंपदाम् ।
लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम् ॥३५॥
Aapadaampahartaaram daataaram sarvasampadaam |
Lokaabhiraamam Shreeraamam bhuyo bhuyo namaamyaham ||35||
Meaning:Who is destroyer all the dangers and obstacles, and consecrator of all sorts of wealth, I again and again salute that Shri Rama who is delight of all the worlds. ॥35॥
भर्जनं भवबीजानामर्जनं सुखसंपदाम् ।
तर्जनं यमदूतानां रामरामेति गर्जनम् ॥३६॥
Bharjanam bhavabeejaanaam-marjanam sukhasampadaam |
Tarjanam yamadootaanaam Raamaraamethi garjanam ||36||
Meaning:The road of the name of Rama destructs of the cause of rebirth (grants liberation), generates happiness and wealth, and a scare to Yama’s (lord of death) messengers. ॥36॥
रामो राजमणि: सदा विजयते रामं रमेशं भजे ।
रामेणाभिहता निशाचरचमू रामाय तस्मै नम: ।
रामान्नास्ति परायणं परतरं रामस्य दासोSस्म्यहम् ।
रामे चित्तलय: सदा भवतु मे भो राम मामुद्धर ॥३७॥
Raamo RaajamaNi-h sada vijayate Raamam ramesham bhaje |
RaameNaabhihathaa nishaacarachamuu Raamaya tasmai namaha |
Raamannaasti parayaaNam parataram Raamasya daasO-smayaham |
Raame chiththalaya-h sada bhavatu me bho Raam maamudhdhara ||37||
Meaning :I worship Shri Rama who is jewel (among kings), who always wins, and who is lord of RamA (Sita or Lakshmi the goddess of wealth). By him the hordes of demons who move at night have been destroyed, I salute that Rama, To him is said my prayer! Beyond him there is nothing to be worshipped, (and thus) I am servant of that Sri Rama alone!! My mind is totally absorbed in Sri Rama. O Rama, please lift me up (from lower to higher self). ॥37॥
राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे ।
सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने ॥३८॥
Raama Raamethi Raamethi rame Raame manorame |
Sahastranaama taththulyam Ramanaam varaanane ||38||
Meaning :Lord Shiva tells: O’ Fair-faced lady (Parvati) ! My mind enjoys saying the beautiful nama – Ram, Ram, Ram like this. Uttering once the name of Ram is equal to the uttering of any other name of God, a thousand times. ॥38॥
|| Shree SeethaaraamachandraarpaNamasthu || – ॥ श्री सीतारामचंद्रार्पणमस्तु ॥
इति श्रीबुधकौशिकविरचितं श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥
॥ श्री सीतारामचंद्रार्पणमस्तु ॥
Ithi ShreeBudhakaushikavirachitham
ShreeRamarakshastotram sampoorNam ||
|| Shree SeethaaraamachandraarpaNamasthu ||
Meaning :॥ Thus ends Hymn (of Lord) Rama (for) protection and composed by Budha Koushika ॥